Book launch for a Scout leader

I am releasing my latest book “It’s only an hour a week” on 19th September. This, my fifth book, has been written with the sole intention of encouraging more volunteers to join The Scout Association, and give existing volunteers a good laugh at the author’s expense in the process. This was prompted by my understanding of the acute shortage of adult volunteers within Scouting. To give further credence to this, it was announced in July that over 107,000 young people were currently on the Scouts waiting list throughout the UK due to this adult volunteer shortage, a fact that was reiterated earlier this month (September) by Dwayne Fields, the newly appointed Chief Scout.

James says; “The title, based on the cliché used to encourage volunteers into the movement, sets the tone for the book and explains the sub-title “Stretching the truth since 1907″. It’s informative, yet full of tongue-in-cheek humour, which matches my, and many leaders’, attitude to volunteering time and experience to Scouts to help young people learn valuable skills for life.”

He continues, “Many people are put off volunteering for Scouts as they do not feel they can help every week or don’t want to wear the uniform, neither of which are mandatory for volunteering at your local Scout group. There are many roles in the background of the Scout group that support the frontline volunteers, and if filled, they would reduce the time and effort for all involved. This book gives you the insiders view of volunteering in Scouts, the hierarchy of the organisation with many amusing stories of how it used to be run, why it’s a good reason the “good old days” have been consigned to the history books, and how sometimes common sense is the least common of all the senses.”

James Wood, known as Woody to his Scouts, has been a Scout leader for over 20 years, first in Windlesham and now in Sunningdale. Having been a Cub, Scout and Venture Scout himself, when his first child was born he started volunteering at Scouts to ensure there would be a place for his son when the time came for them to join the movement. All three of his children have now gone through the movement, and even his wife Linda was co-opted into becoming the badge secretary for eight years, a role that is often overlooked and very time-consuming.

Community involvement is another big part of Scouting. Sunningdale Scouts, led by James, recently built the Beacons for Sunninghill and Ascot parish council’s 80th anniversary D-Day celebration and the Platinum Jubilee in 2022. They also cooked up a storm with their famous BBQ at both these events.

There are 115 Scout groups in Berkshire, 18 of which are in and around Bracknell, they are all looking for willing volunteers in any capacity to support the current volunteers and help young people learn many skills for life, build friendship and give them a sense of belonging. This book could help you decide if becoming an adult volunteer in Scouts is right for you and if you are already a volunteer in Scouts you can have a laugh at many of the situations James and his troops managed to get themselves into.

“It’s only an hour a week” is available at Amazon in paperback (£9.99) and on kindle (£4.99) and free on Kindle Unlimited.

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