Over the weekend it did something that very rarely happens in this part of the country, it snowed!
Linda and I were at my sister-in-laws getting drunk and booking campsites for summer, which is a normal January activity for us, as we need something to look forward to. Linda, while happy with the Cava and more than happy with the campsites chosen, she was amazingly disappointed with the weather forecast and the lack of snow falling at 6pm, which her app was assuring us it was doing.
Come 9pm though, we had snow and that made her smile, which is always a lovely sight to see.
While my brother-in-law and I carried on having pints in the bar at the back of their garden, the kids and the girls went out for a snowball fight. My eldest and youngest had gone home by this point so they missed out on the fun, or so we had thought.
At around 11pm after trying and failing to get in contact with Oskar for a life, we ordered an Uber and had a very pleasant, but slow and careful drive home in the snow. When we arrived we found out why we couldn’t get in contact with Oskar in the first place – they were both building a snowman in the back garden.

Now, the snow in the garden was all used up, but that didn’t stop all of them from going out the front and having a whale of time throwing snowballs at each other at midnight.
Come the morning normal service had resumed and the rain had washed away most signs that we had any snow in the first place. Only the snowman was left in the garden come lunchtime to prove that this was not a drunken hallucination.